How to Work with a Recruiter to Find a Job

Monya De, MD MPH
1 min readMar 26, 2018

In your second or third year of residency or fellowship, your smartphone will suddenly start buzzing at all hours of the work day. When you answer, a hyperactive-sounding millennial will chirp at warp speed: “HiDr[yourname]! IjustwantedtoknowyouravailabilitycauseIhaveanamazingopportunity60milesfromChattanooga….”

This has the potential to happen 20 times per day, while you are trying to…



Monya De, MD MPH

Words @stat @abcnews @economist @latimes Interests: #meded, integrative med, health policy, tech, environment. Internal medicine MD based in LA. Go @stanford